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Solidarity HealthShare

Solidarity HealthShare Announces Recipient of 2023 Innovator Award in the Fight for Life-Affirming Healthcare

Ahead of the March for Life, the prominent health sharing ministry Solidarity HealthShare announced the recipient of the 2023 Innovator Award, which annually honors an individual for the creation of innovative pro-life healthcare initiatives. Solidarity HealthShare is pleased to announce Dr. Donna Harrison, CEO of The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), as this year’s honoree for her strength, resilience, and leadership in the fight for pro-life healthcare, especially as the industry faces increasing hostility towards people of faith and pro-life individuals within the medical practice.

Dr. Donna Harrison is a board-certified physician in obstetrics and gynecology who has tripled AAPLOG’s membership, which now comprises over 7,000 medical practicioners, in her time as CEO. She will officially retire from the role in February after 10 years of service. Dr. Harrison also launched the annual Matthew Bulfin Educational Conference, developed a robust website and social media presence for AAPLOG, and coordinated systematic outreaches to the medical, legal and policy communities to discuss the effects of abortion on women. In addition to authoring numerous peer-reviewed papers on many medical topics, and serving as an Adjunct Professor at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL, Dr. Harrison is a valued Continuing Medical Education speaker. She is also Associate Editor of the peer reviewed medical journal Issues in Law and Medicine

SHS President Chris Faddis issued the following statement honoring this year’s award recipient:

“Solidarity HealthShare is thrilled to honor Dr. Donna Harrison, a staunch pro-life warrior fighting for the protection and advancement of life-affirming healthcare, through this year’s Innovator Award. Despite an increasingly hostile environment to pro-life healthcare, Dr. Harrison has consistently exemplified the utmost strength and resilience in her invaluable efforts to advance medical freedom for all Americans, especially patients and providers of faith. We are deeply grateful for her sacrifices as we work to uphold a culture of life in our nation.” 

Solidarity HealthShare is a healthcare sharing ministry offering Members an affordable, ethical way to pay for healthcare. Based on social and moral doctrine of the Catholic Church, we protect Members’ consciences by sharing the costs of life-affirming healthcare, refusing to participate in unethical medical practices. Our mission is to restore and rebuild an authentic pro-life healthcare culture that promotes the sanctity of all human life, while facilitating the sharing of our Members’ medical expenses.