Solidarity Blog

Sharing Report: June 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of June 2024. From June 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $5,282,212.69 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $1,683,868.49. This resulted in a 67% savings on medical bills for

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4 Myths About Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer

Thanks to TikTok and other social media platforms, the internet is rife with myths about sun exposure and skin cancer. From denials of the harmful effects of sun exposure to claims about carcinogens in sunblock, this kind of misinformation is often pervasive. As we observe UV Safety Month this July,

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Sharing Report: May 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of May 2024. From May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $6,655,709.16 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,202,461.99. This resulted in a 66% savings on medical bills for

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Amazing Baby: 5 Development Milestones

Amazing Baby: Five Milestones in the First Year of Life

Five Development Milestones To Look Out For in the First Year of Your Baby’s Life The first year of your child’s life can be exhausting but it’s also full of development milestones and moments to treasure. As first-time parents, you might not realize how many “firsts” happen during the initial

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Faithful Healthcare

More Than A Crucifix: Faith-Based Healthcare For All

Faith-Based Healthcare is not Opposed to Quality Care Too many Americans are led to believe that quality healthcare and ethical, faithful healthcare are diametrically opposed to each other. Catholic hospitals, some say, have no right to follow their church’s teachings about the dignity of human life when it comes to

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Statement from Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis on Supreme Court decision in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine In light of Thuesday’s Supreme Court ruling in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, Solidarity President and Co-Founder Chris Faddis released the following statement. “Unfortunately, with today’s Supreme Court decision in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, President

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affordable dental care

Access More Affordable Dental Care With the Solidarity Care Card

Access More Affordable Dental Care If you’ve noticed dental costs skyrocketing in recent months along with the recent price inflation, you aren’t alone. Families across the country are grappling with the costs that a single visit to the dentist can bring. At Solidarity, we are seeking to change that crippling

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why you cannot kill human embryos

Lessons in Catholic Bioethics: Why You Cannot Destroy Human Embryos

by John M. Haas, PhD, STL, MDiV, for the National Catholic Bioethics CenterJune 7, 2024 Human Embryos are Living Beings Human embryos are living beings and yet some scientists, politicians, ethicists, and even theologians have fallen into the rhetorical trap of speaking about their “destruction” rather than their being killed.

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6 Ways to Live Healthier This Father’s Day

This Father’s Day, as we honor the fathers and father figures in our lives, we invite you to learn what proactive steps fathers can take toward healthier and more fulfilling lives. Whether it’s heart disease, diabetes, or depression, the health problems faced by men are best treated with a comprehensive

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Sharing Report: April 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of April 2024. From April 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $4,928,855.59 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $1,398,347.94. This resulted in a 71% savings on medical bills for

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2021 and 2022 audit

Solidarity HealthShare 2021 and 2022 Audited Financial Statements: Continued Commitment to Transparency and Financial Integrity

We at Solidarity HealthShare know how difficult it can be to find access to quality healthcare that respects patients’ religious or moral objections to ethically problematic procedures AND their desire for affordable care. We also recognize the equal importance of protecting patients’ financial resources. Solidarity was founded to provide families

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Nurses and doctors have been dealing with workplace shortages

America Is Facing an Unprecedented Healthcare Workforce Shortage

Nurses, doctors and other medical professionals across the nation are experiencing low workplace morale. This has lead to record-breaking workplace shortages. Unfortunately, it is patients that are suffering the physical cost of physicians leaving the profession from frustration and burnout. Alarming Statistics Around Workplace Shortages Data from the Association of

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What is an Authentic Catholic Approach to Mental Health?

As we observe Mental Health Awareness Month this May, it is crucial to recognize the significant role mental health plays in our overall well-being. At Solidarity HealthShare, we understand the importance of addressing mental health from a Catholic perspective, acknowledging its profound impact on individuals’ spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

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From Chemical Abortions to Gender-Affirming Surgeries, Chris Faddis explores the difficult topics

Catholic Physicians face Moral Debates in the rise of Mifepristone and gender-affirming surgeries As states become battlegrounds for difficult medical decisions regarding chemical abortions and gender-affirming surgeries, Solidarity President and Co-Founder Chris Faddis joins Molly Smith on From The Median to discuss these difficult topics. Interview Audio Interview Text Announcer

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Sharing Report: March 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of March 2024. From March 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $8,034,059.50 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,861,983.91 . This resulted in a 66% savings on medical bills for

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Mater Dei Radio: The Urgent Need for Faith-Based Healthcare

Faith-Based Healthcare is Needed More Than Ever in US Hospitals! Solidarity President and Co-Founder, Chris Faddis, spoke with radio show host Brenda Aiken on Mater Dei Radio to discuss the importance of faith-based healthcare and why it is so important for doctors, nurses, and patients to have access to this.

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Embracing Life: Choosing Life-Affirming Fertility Care

Fertility care is a deeply personal journey, often fraught with complex decisions and bioethical pitfalls. From a Catholic bioethics perspective, the sanctity of life and the dignity of every human person are paramount. That’s why at Solidarity, we advocate an approach called life-affirming fertility care. This approach is above all

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WakeUp! Tucson: Hospitals Are Facing Physician Shortage

Hospitals are facing physician shortage As more and more hospitals face physician shortage, providing clear information and healthcare transparency is more important than ever. Chris Faddis joins Chris DeSimone on WakeUp! Tucson on KVOI Radio to discuss this topic. Interview Audio Chris DeSimone (00:00): Let’s go to our friend Chris

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Sharing Report: February 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of February 2024. From February 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $7,791,410.70 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,533,557.33. This resulted in a 66% savings on medical bills

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Sleep Awareness Week

The Healing Power of Sleep: Sleep Awareness Week 2024

In today’s fast-paced culture, where productivity is glorified and late nights are worn as badges of honor, the importance of sleep often takes a back seat. However, sleep is not just a luxury; it’s fundamental for health and well-being. As we recognize National Sleep Awareness Week this week, I invite

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Sharing Report: January 2024

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the month of January 2024. From January 1, 2024 to January 31, 2024 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $7,194,632.79 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,473,053.70. This resulted in a 64% savings on medical bills

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Sharing Report: Year of 2023

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for the year of 2023. From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 inclusive, Solidarity HealthShare received $68,738,036.36 in eligible medical needs on behalf of our Members, which was re-priced and shared at $23,991,719.88. This resulted in a 64% savings on medical bills for

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Statement from Chris Faddis and Brad Hahn, President and CEO of Solidarity HealthShare, in support of Authentic Healthcare on the occasion of the 51st Annual March for Life

“The Biden administration has gone to great lengths to inject abortion activism into healthcare and weaken physicians’ ability to administer healing care, especially for mothers and children. Solidarity HealthShare fully supports comprehensive, life-affirming maternity care and ethical fertility treatments and believes that politics is no substitute for healthcare. The 2024

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How to Use the Solidarity Knowledge Center

What is the Knowledge Center? It can be difficult for families to get used to a healthcare program that’s different from the norm in America. We get all sorts of questions from our Members that range from simple things to very complex topics. “What is Solidarity HealthShare, and how does

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A Guide to Sharing Prescriptions with Solidarity ONE

Prescription Sharing with Solidarity ONE Members of Solidarity HealthShare reap the benefits of low healthcare costs without paying for ethically objectionable procedures that violate their consciences. Many families are also pleased to learn that prescription drugs are fully eligible for sharing with Solidarity. Prescriptions are an important part of our

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Real Clear Health: Transgender Ideology Is Harming Vulnerable Patients

The Ideology of Gender Harms Children Young patients struggling with gender dysphoria are being permanently harmed by the wrong treatment plan. And faithful families are running out of places to turn for evidence-based, life-affirming alternatives to the manipulative and destructive treatments currently being promoted by leading medical organizations and healthcare systems

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How Solidarity Protects Your Mental Health     

Mental Health Sharing is Vital Mental health conditions are some of the most common health conditions affecting Americans, especially younger Americans. In the United States, one out of every five adults experience mental illness each year. It’s for this very reason that Solidarity HealthShare has such a focus on mental

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Our Founding: How Solidarity HealthShare Came to Be

Solidarity’s Founding Solidarity HealthShare co-Founder and President Chris Faddis felt called to establish a health sharing ministry after his first wife, Angela, was unexpectedly diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011. Navigating the complexities of traditional insurance during her treatments inspired him to find a solution for others in similar situations.

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Member Stories: Matt & Kelsey Leitner

Matt and Kelsey Share their Members’ Experience with Solidarity Matt and Kelsey Leitner joined Solidarity because it is the only solution that worked for them without violating their conscience. Check out these Members’ experience and how being a Member of Solidarity HealthShare allowed them to get high-quality, affordable healthcare that

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Sharing for Emergency Room Care is Simple with Solidarity

Emergency Room Care is a Priority for Families Many families who choose to opt out of traditional insurance in favor of healthcare sharing ministries do so because of the low cost and ethical principles that come with joining a community of likeminded Members. They can’t do so, however, without knowing

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Bill Cunningham Show: SHS President Chris Faddis Discusses Transgender Care, Mandated Abortions, and the Rising Cost of Healthcare

Discussing Transgender Care Solidarity President and Co-Founder, Chris Faddis, spoke with conservative radio show host Bill Cunningham to discuss the increasingly unethical mandates in the healthcare industry in the U.S. Between Catholic hospital systems providing healthcare services that proliferate the transgender ideology such as hormone suppression therapies and sex change

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Washington Examiner: America Needs a More Affordable, Ethical Healthcare Option

Opinion by Chris Faddis published 8/8/23 Read the original article published in the Washington Examiner here. The Challenge of Affordable Healthcare Options Quality, affordable healthcare options should never be considered a luxury item for working families or retirees. Unfortunately, rapidly rising costs coupled with politically driven, woke policies are effectively making basic healthcare less

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Member Stories: Glenna & Kevin Klassen

Glenna and Kevin Share their Experience with Solidarity Glenna and Kevin joined Solidarity HealthShare to support a community of like-minded individuals that you can help just as much as they help you. Little did they know that Glenna would be diagnosed with breast cancer soon after joining. The financial and

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Frequently Asked Questions: Pricing Adjustment

Why is my Monthly Contribution Amount changing?   Will this price increase go to overhead?   What is the reason for the price adjustment?   What will the pricing adjustment be?  Is there any way I can pay less?  Learn More about the Pricing Adjustment To read our announcement and more about the

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Announcement: New Monthly Contribution Amounts

What We Are Facing It is no secret that our national economy is struggling, and everyone is enduring significantly higher prices for virtually all goods and services. Healthcare costs have not been immune to the excessive inflation levels everyone has been experiencing – nearly 16% since the start of 2021,

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National Review: The Political Assault on Faith-Based Healthcare

Catholic-affiliated medical institutions are being pressured into offering procedures misaligned with their faith and existing medical evidence. Opinion by Chris Faddis Published in the National Review on 7/16/23 People of faith and faith-based health-care providers are facing a political assault that has introduced increasing challenges when delivering or gaining access to

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Member Update: New Enhanced Bill Submission Wizard

Enjoy increased visibility into your Member submitted medical needs with our enhanced bill submission tool! I am excited to announce a significant enhancement to our Member Care Portal, designed to provide you with an even better experience. At Solidarity, we are committed to delivering an excellent Member experience. Accordingly, our

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Member Stories: Lorraine Ranalli

Lorraine Shares Her Member Experience Lorraine and her husband joined Solidarity thinking they would never have to use it, and they would just contribute to other Members’ medical care. Instead, they got thrown into a scary medical situation very soon after they joined, and the rest of the Members shared

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Provider Stories: Shell Medical

New testimonial from a couple of Solidarity providers! We sat down with Dr. Sarah Shell and Dr. YiQiu Hu from Shell Medical Hormone Health and Wellness to hear their perspective on how Solidarity has helped them provide high-quality care to their patients. Hear what they had to say about their

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Member Stories: Lisa Rezner

Member Testimonial Watch below as Lisa Rezner shares her experience with Solidarity HealthShare, and how the ministry helped her and her husband through very difficult medical situations. She really appreciated the personal care that her family received from Solidarity’s staff. Listen to her Member testimonial below. “Among the panic of

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SHS President Chris Faddis Asks U.S. Bishops to Stop Trans Surgeries in Catholic Hospitals

6/15/23 Story Update: Article from the Daily Signal – EXCLUSIVE: US Bishops Urged to Stop Trans Surgeries at Catholic Hospitals Statement from Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis:  Solidarity HealthShare is very concerned about an alarming and dangerous development within the Catholic healthcare sector, and we sincerely hope the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops can

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Solidarity HealthShare Alert – Catholic Hospitals Performing Sex Change Surgeries

Catholic Hospitals Performing Sex Change Operations Solidarity HealthShare is alerting concerned Catholics and all people of faith to an alarming and dangerous development within the Catholic healthcare sector. According to an exclusive story reported by the Daily Wire, several hospitals within America’s largest Catholic nonprofit health system are performing sex change operations.

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Solidarity HealthShare is Committed to Financial Integrity: 2020 and 2021 Audited Financial Statements Released

Protecting Our Members At Solidarity HealthShare, we place great emphasis on protecting our Members’ physical health from conception until natural death. One thing that sets us apart from traditional health insurance is our exemption from federal coverage requirements related to objectionable procedures, drugs and devices mandated under the Affordable Care Act. This is

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Real Clear Health: Roe v. Wade’s Destructive Legacy Lives on in the Healthcare Sector

by Chris FaddisMarch 31, 2023Click here to read the original article posted on Real Clear Health. Since the historic Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, allowing abortion on demand up until birth is, thankfully, no longer the law of the land. But the cultural effects of Roe nevertheless live on as the battle over protections for the unborn moves into individual states

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Can Lenten Fasts Improve Your Health?

As we come out of the season of Lent, many of us are gearing up to have a big cinnamon roll, a nice helping of bacon, and a large mimosa at Easter brunch to celebrate the resurrection, or maybe we’re more focused on the end of the Lenten fasts. Indulgences

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Does Solidarity Have a Timely Filing Limit?

What is a Timely Filing Limit? Timely filing limits are standard practice in the healthcare industry, whether you’re on health insurance or with a healthshare. Basically, when a provider delays sending a medical expense beyond a reasonable timeframe, the bill is not eligible for sharing. At Solidarity, we have set

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Care Navigation: Guiding Members to Quality Care

Care Navigation Helps Find Friendly Providers Our Care Navigation service is one of the ways that we help Members advocate for themselves and their community. New Members often ask the question, “How do I find a provider that will work with my healthshare?” As we discussed in our last blog

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Reference Based Pricing: How Solidarity Fights for Fair Pricing

Choice Controls Costs How often do you compare costs between your favorite places to get your basic necessities? Whole Foods versus Costco, Nordstrom versus Target, DirecTV versus Netflix? Our free market economy is based on choice and competition. There are multiple companies to provide for any given need, and you

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Federal Medical Pricing Transparency

Controlling Skyrocketing Medical Pricing A federal medical pricing transparency rule went into effect two years ago, meant to address an all-too-common issue that Americans face. How often have you heard of a friend going to the hospital only to experience the worst kind of sticker shock when they receive the

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Life-Affirming Pro-Women’s Healthcare

At Solidarity, we’re always striving to transform the culture of death into a culture of life. In our “Next Steps” post we discussed the next era of the Pro-Life Movement. With those in mind, this era demands that our movement step up to provide even more abundant resources to women,

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Post-Roe America: What’s Next for the Pro-Life Movement?

Now that the Dobbs Decision has overturned Roe, it prompts the question, ”What’s next for the Pro-Life Movement”? For 50 years we have been fighting to repeal the decision to protect a supposed federal right to abortion. And we were finally successful! But now that we’ve accomplished that momentous goal,

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Statement from Chris Faddis, president of Solidarity HealthShare and Brad Hahn, CEO of Solidarity HealthShare on the occasion of the 50th Annual March for Life

“At this 50th annual March for Life, we and all of our fellow Solidarity HealthShare Members celebrate the end of Roe v. Wade. But never has this march and our commitment to life-affirming healthcare been so important. There is much work ahead of us as we seek to rebuild healthcare in America. “A hostile administration

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Solidarity HealthShare Announces Recipient of 2023 Innovator Award in the Fight for Life-Affirming Healthcare

Ahead of the March for Life, the prominent health sharing ministry Solidarity HealthShare announced the recipient of the 2023 Innovator Award, which annually honors an individual for the creation of innovative pro-life healthcare initiatives. Solidarity HealthShare is pleased to announce Dr. Donna Harrison, CEO of The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), as

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Maximizing Your Membership

Solidarity offers many great features and services that countless families and individuals have been searching for ever since the Affordable Care Act went into effect almost a decade ago, but may not know about. For example, with Healthcare Sharing Ministries Members enjoy: healthcare that does not support immoral medical procedures,

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Straight Ahead Live Dr. Robin Goldsmith

On today’s Straight Ahead Live, Dr. Robin Goldsmith joins Chris to talk about her role as President and CEO of St. Gianna Clinic in Green Bay, WI, her work with the Catholic Medical Association, and why primary care is one of the best ways to reclaim a great doctor-patient relationship.

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Straight Ahead Live Dr. John Oertle

On this week’s Straight Ahead Live, Chris invites co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Solidarity HealthShare, Dr. John Oertle to join him in discussing his background as a doctor, the importance of gratitude and prayer in our health, and what’s to come for members with Solidarity’s new software and Member

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Straight Ahead With Dr. Mike Parker

Solidarity HealthShare is proud to present a conversational docuseries discussing healthcare in America. Dr. Mike Parker joins Chris to discuss the current state of healthcare in America, the doctor-patient relationship, and how his faith has shaped his practice and perspective on medicine.

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Straight Ahead With David Bereit

Solidarity HealthShare is proud to present a conversational docuseries discussing healthcare in America. David Bereit joins Chris to discuss the 40 Days for Life movement, the moral and ethical obligations of healthcare, and how Solidarity HealthShare has been integral to his family the past several years.

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Sharing Report: May 2020

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for May 2020. From May 1 – May 31, 2020, Solidarity HealthShare has received $6,111,228.81 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,306,699.89. This resulted in a 62.3% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Straight Ahead Live Kirk Fallbacher

On this week’s Straight Ahead Live, Kirk Fallbacher, President & CEO of Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions joins Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis to discuss pricing transparency, “fair and just” pricing in healthcare, and how AMPS helps their clients save money on medical billing every day.

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Straight Ahead Live With Katy Talento

On this week’s Straight Ahead Live, Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis catches up with Katy Talento, Executive Director for the Alliance of Healthcare Sharing. They discuss Coronavirus (COVID-19), her new role with the Alliance of Healthcare Sharing, and updates on healthcare policy since her last time talking with Chris.

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Straight Ahead Live With Brad Hahn

Solidarity HealthShare is proud to present a new conversational docuseries discussing healthcare in America. In this series, we interview industry experts to share insights and opinions on the state of healthcare. On this week’s Straight Ahead Live, Chris Faddis invites co-founder and CEO of Solidarity HealthShare, Brad Hahn to join

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Straight Ahead With Katy Talento

Solidarity HealthShare is proud to present a new conversational docuseries discussing healthcare in America. In this series, we interview industry experts to share insights and opinions on the state of healthcare. Here is our first episode with Solidarity President, Chris Faddis and Katy Talento, Health Policy Advisor. Katy discusses healthcare

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Sharing Report: April 2020

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for April 2020. From April 1 – April 30, 2020, Solidarity HealthShare has received $7,149,380.16 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,501,047.89. This resulted in a 65.0% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! As we find ourselves in challenging times, let us never forget that Jesus rose, so we will trust! Easter has come to the world as it in crisis from a pandemic, with social distancing, turbulent economy, and even closed churches. From the darkness of a tomb, Jesus rose

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Sharing Report: March 2020

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for March 2020. From March 1 – March 31, 2020, Solidarity HealthShare has received $5,505,711.91 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,053,376.21. This resulted in a 62.7% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Dear Member, We are writing to you today to give you an update on how Solidarity is continuing to address Coronavirus (COVID-19) and provide clarity into the decisions we made related to staffing and member services. Responsibly Open As we continue to monitor and adapt to recommended guidelines from trusted

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Solidarity House Call – Special Edition: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Oertle discusses his recommendations surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as our telehealth program, DialCare. Related Links For Dr. John’s recent letter on Coronavirus (COVID-19), click here. For more information on Solidarity’s “Responsibly Open” staffing and member services policy at this time, click here. For

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Coronavirus Readiness

Dear Members of Solidarity, At Solidarity HealthShare, your healthcare is our number one priority.  With rising concerns over the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure you that our sharing power is stable, and we are ready to support one another in this season. As people of faith we stand on God’s

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Sharing Report: February 2020

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for February 2020. From February 1 – February 29, 2020, Solidarity HealthShare has received $6,386,235.24 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $2,160,650.70. This resulted in a 66.2% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: January 2020

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for January 2020. From January 1 – January 31, 2020, Solidarity HealthShare has received $3,850,741.85 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $1,643,400.41. This resulted in a 57.3% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Affordable Care Act – 2019 Tax Year Information

Under the Affordable Care Act guidelines, members of health care sharing
ministries are exempt from the fines and mandates of the ACA. The IRS has
provided Form 8965 for taxpayers to claim this exemption from the
individual mandate. This form is simple to fill out and easy to understand.

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Sharing Report: December 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for December 2019. From January 1 – December 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $44,354,679.37 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $18,828,081.73. This resulted in a 57.6% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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A Christmas Reflection

Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. John Oertle, shares his Christmas reflection and well wishes with us. Join him in contemplating the birth of the Christ Child during this wonderful Christmas octave. Dear Members of Solidarity, It is with great joy that we wish you a merry Christmas season!  We thank you

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An Advent Reflection: Week 3

Each week of this year’s Advent season, we will be sharing a reflection from one of our dedicated staff members. We hope that their words inspire a deeper sense of hope and wonder as we prepare for the coming of Christ. God Comes to Save Us In the first reading

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An Advent Reflection: Week 2

Each week of this year’s Advent season, we will be sharing a reflection from one of our dedicated staff members. We hope that their words inspire a deeper sense of hope and wonder as we prepare for the coming of Christ. Waiting With Joyful Hope When I read Scripture, I

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An Advent Reflection: Week 1

Each week of this year’s Advent season, we will be sharing a reflection from one of our dedicated staff members. We hope that their words inspire a deeper sense of hope and wonder as we prepare for the coming of Christ. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a

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Sharing Report: November 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for November 2019. From January 1 – November 30, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $39,782,427.94 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $16,730,360.72. This resulted in a 57.9% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Program Improvements & Updates

Dear Valued Members, It has truly been a gift to witness our entire community respond to each other’s needs with grace and fervor over the past three years. We are grateful for you and your continued faithfulness to share in the ongoing medical expenses of our Solidarity community. We are honored

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Frequently Asked Questions: Membership & Pricing Update

1. Why is the price increasing? In an effort to be good stewards of this healthcare sharing ministry, we have held off on increasing the Monthly Share and Annual Unshared amounts for as long as possible. At this time, a price increase is necessary to continue the ministry and effectively

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Sharing Report: October 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for October 2019. From January 1 – October 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $35,842,493.29 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $14,916,831.12. This resulted in a 58.4% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Solidarity House Call – Anxiety

During the month of October, Solidarity recognizes World Mental Health Day on October 10th and Mental Illness Awareness Week from October 6th through the 12th.  I am grateful to belong to and lead a community of Solidarity members who are the only healthcare sharing community to share in medical needs

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Sharing Report: September 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for September 2019. From January 1 – September 30, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $27,449,777.26 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $11,356,358.97. This resulted in a 58.6% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: August 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for August 2019. From January 1 – August 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $25,576,419.31 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $10,525,633.10. This resulted in a 58.8% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: July 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for July 2019. From January 1 – July 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $24,041,754.31 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $9,851,307.33. This resulted in a 59% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Solidarity House Call – Living as a Steward of Health

The month of July is the perfect time to get out of town on vacation.  Solidarity members living here in Arizona just experienced a whopping 115° Fahrenheit day making it understandable why this is the ideal time to get away.  Most of us take a car, maybe a plane, or

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Sharing Report: June 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for June 2019. From January 1 – June 30, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $20,524,168.63 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $8,460,642.71. This resulted in a 58.8% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: May 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for May 2019. From January 1 – May 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $17,779,266.04 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $7,309,789.16. This resulted in a 58.9% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Holy Spirit Novena

We invite you to join us over the next nine days in praying the Holy Spirit Novena, beginning Friday, May 31. We will be praying LIVE each morning at 10am ET/7am PT on Facebook Live. The Holy Spirit Novena is close to our hearts here at Solidarity. It’s what set

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Solidarity House Call – The Sun: Friend or Foe?

Join me in ushering in the beautiful summer! If you are anything like me, you love this time of year. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and I can almost smell BBQ on the grill as I picture friends and family enjoying one another’s company in

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Sharing Report: April 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for April 2019. From January 1 – April 30, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $13,995,604.71 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $5,793,737.00. This resulted in a 58.6% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: March 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for March 2019. From January 1 – March 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $10,115,490.03 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $4,155,525.69. This resulted in a 58.9% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: February 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for February 2019. From January 1 – February 28, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $7,209,191.02 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $3,031,642.41. This resulted in a 57.9% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Affordable Care Act Tax Information

Under the Affordable Care Act guidelines, members of health care sharing
ministries are exempt from the fines and mandates of the ACA. The IRS has
provided Form 8965 for taxpayers to claim this exemption from the
individual mandate. This form is simple to fill out and easy to understand.

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Sharing Report: January 2019

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for January 2019. From January 1 – January 31, 2019, Solidarity HealthShare has received $3,150,711.78 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $1,430,512.31. This resulted in a 54.6% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Sharing Report: December 2018

Below is Solidarity HealthShare’s sharing report for December 2018. From January 1 – December 31, 2018, Solidarity HealthShare has received $22,055,589.52 in medical bills on behalf of our members, which was re-priced and shared at $8,464,908.34. This resulted in a 61.6% savings in medical bills for our members. Month Total

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Christmas Letter from Solidarity CEO, Bradley Hahn

Dear Friends and Fellow Members of Solidarity,   During the Advent season, we prepare our hearts, minds, and homes for the coming of the Christ Child with great joy: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.  Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand.”

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Sharing Report: November 2018

Month Total Amount Charged Amount Shared Discount % January $715,093.34 $265,356.72 62.90% February $1,502,712.79 $552,261.36 63.20% March $862,825.09 $356,216.12 58.70% April $2,218,315.14 $705,903.58 68.20% May $796,392.32 $396,836.27 50.20% June $1,223,796.05 $525,118.01 57.10% July $1,459,622.28 $539,697.29 63.00% August $1,274,567.31 $563,625.97 55.80% September $2,645,255.97 $1,125,484.99 57.50% October $3,289,499.99 $1,034,765.44 68.50% November $2,430,207.41

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November 2018: A Letter from our Chief Operating Officer

Dear Friends and Fellow Members of Solidarity, As we discussed in our last letter, we began bringing over operations from our third-party operations partner last spring. So, in the last seven months, we have grown from three employees to twenty-three! It is no small feat to build the infrastructure and

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Sharing Report: October 2018

Month Total Amount Charged Amount Shared Discount % January $715,093.34 $265,356.72 62.9% February $1,502,712.79 $552,261.36 63.2% March $862,825.09 $356,216.12 58.7% April $2,218,315.14 $705,903.58 68.2% May $796,392.32 $396,836.27 50.2% June $1,223,796.05 $525,118.01 57.1% July $1,459,622.28 $539,697.29 63.0% August $1,274,567.31 $563,625.97 55.8% September $2,645,255.97 $1,125,484.99 57.5% October $3,289,499.99 $1,034,765.44 68.5% $15,988,080.28 $6,065,265.75

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Our Founder’s Story

Solidarity HealthShare co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, Chris Faddis, discusses the trials suffered by his family, which motivated the founding of Solidarity HealthShare.

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A Catholic Response to the Health Care Crisis

(Originally published on, October 3, 2018) “Every single time I had to make one of those phone calls, my heart was pounding, I was shaking… Insurance gave up on us… they just didn’t want to pay for it.” It had been eight months since Kellie Soper lost her baby

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Press Release: Solidarity to Pay for Natural Fertility Health Care

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Blessed Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae, Solidarity HealthShare has announced changes in its Member Guidelines which will allow members to share the costs of medically proven procedures such as Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro Technology) and Fertility Awareness-based training and counseling.

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