1. Why is the price increasing?
In an effort to be good stewards of this healthcare sharing ministry, we have held off on increasing the Monthly Share and Annual Unshared amounts for as long as possible. At this time, a price increase is necessary to continue the ministry and effectively share into the community’s ongoing medical bills. In order to alleviate the immediate financial burden this may cause our members, the Solidarity Board of Directors have elected to not implement this change immediately, but to make the change effective on your next membership renewal. To learn more, please read the Program Improvements & Updates letter.
2. When will the pricing increase take place?
For existing members, the Monthly Share and Annual Unshared amounts will increase on their renewal date. We will proactively email our members prior to their renewal date to remind them of this membership change.
For all new and enrolling members who will have an effective date on or after January 1, 2020, the Monthly Share and Annual Unshared amounts will be applied immediately.
3. When is my renewal date?
Your renewal date is the same day as your effective date. Your effective date is listed on your Solidarity HealthShare membership card.
4. Is the participant fee in Solidarity Well increasing?
No, only the Monthly Share Amount and the Annual Unshared Amount are changing.
5. How does Direct Primary Care work?
Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a practice model for patients which gives better access to care, focuses on prevention, and reduces costs. DPC offices charge a monthly amount for a suite of services. All DPC offices are slightly different on the services they offer and their pricing. Direct Primary Care monthly fees will be shared up to 50% of the membership’s Annual Unshared Amount prorated over ten months.
6. What do I do if I am thinking of canceling my membership?
Members are required to provide a written cancellation request through info@solidarityhealthshare.org. Written requests must have the following information:
- Member ID number
- requested cancellation date
- reason for cancellation
It must be submitted by the first (1st) day of the month prior to the month in which the Member intends to withdraw membership.
If a Member withdraws more than thirty (30) days after their Membership effective date, Membership fees will not be refunded.