Solidarity Blog

Statement from Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis on Second Anniversary of Dobbs Ruling

statement on the anniversary of the dobbs ruling

Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine

In honor of the second anniversary of the Dobbs ruling, when the Supreme Court overturned the decision of Roe v. Wade, Solidarity President and Co-Founder Chris Faddis released the following statement.

Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis: 

“We rightly celebrate the second anniversary of the historic Dobbs ruling which was the greatest victory in the battle for life since the dark age of Roe. But we also can’t ignore the fact that the pro-abortion Left is working tirelessly to enshrine abortion into state and federal law under the guise of “healthcare” and force patients and providers to comply even against their consciences. This radical abortion agenda prioritizes politics over authentic care for patients, including mothers and their unborn children.

At Solidarity HealthShare, we recognize the increasing need, especially post-Dobbs, for high quality, ethical, and affordable healthcare that truly supports women and families rather than tears them apart. It’s why we protect our Members from paying for objectionable services and procedures and facilitate access and sharing into life-affirming care and services. Our healthcare sharing community remains fully committed to recognizing and supporting the health and wellbeing of every person.”

– Chris Faddis, President of Solidarity HealthShare