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transgender surgeries for minors

Supreme Court to Review Tennessee’s Ban of Puberty Blockers, Transgender Surgery for Minors

Supreme Court to Review Transgender Surgeries for Minors

In the coming months, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to consider restrictions on puberty blockers and transgender surgeries for minors for the first time in history. The case to be heard, U.S. v. Skrmetti, comes from Tennessee. State law says children under 18 are not able to receive hormone treatments, puberty blockers, or gender reassignment surgery. Tennessee is one of 25 states that currently restrict or forbid these procedures for minors.

The Biden Administration, however, took issue with this and brought the case to the High Court. They argue that states should not have the authority to decide whether children should have access to these permanent, life-changing procedures. Instead, they want to make them available to every child in America.

What Does the Church Say About “Gender Affirming Care”

In May, the Vatican stated that gender ideology “intends to deny the greatest possible difference that exists between living beings: sexual difference.” Moreover, laws permitting transgender surgeries for minors expose them to making often irreversible decisions about their bodies. Moreover, they are making these decisions long before their frontal lobe is finished developing. These children do not have full command over their ability to make important decisions. 

Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, have stopped prescribing puberty blocking hormones for children. After all, scientific studies on the issue have raised concern over the long-term effect on health and development. A recent report there found “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

Gender reassignment surgeries and procedures offer dangerous, permanent results and it is the responsibility of states to protect their citizens. Especially since the federal government has failed to do so.

Solidarity Upholds the Dignity of Life at Every Stage

At Solidarity, our mission is to consistently uphold the value and dignity of life at every stage. We believe we are called to reaffirm each person’s God-given gender. Our Members can rest assured that the services provided through Solidarity align with this ideal. We even help our Members find healthcare providers who deliver the holistic care they need, in keeping with their values. Patients who join Solidarity instead of traditional health insurance no longer have to pay for morally compromising procedures for gender dysphoria, including sexual reassignment. This includes medications, implants, hormone therapy, surgery, or medical or psychiatric treatment care or services.

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