Solidarity Blog

Statement from Solidarity President Chris Faddis on Biden Administration Transgender Mandate

statement on transgender mandate

Statement on Biden Administration’s Transgender Mandate

In light of Friday’s finalization of Section 1557 into the Affordable Care Act, Solidarity President and Co-Founder Chris Faddis released the following statement.

“The Biden administration’s newly finalized Section 1557 transgender mandate is an attack on people of faith and is blatant discrimination against religious Americans who object to participating in or paying for products and procedures that violate their beliefs. By expanding the definition of ‘sex’ to include ‘gender identity,’ physicians and medical staff can no longer opt out of performing morally objectionable procedures, like transgender surgeries, without the risk of losing critical federal funding. This shameless targeting of faith-based healthcare systems and providers is unacceptable, but sadly not unexpected given this administration’s track record of hostility towards people of faith.”

– Chris Faddis, president of Solidarity HealthShare

Read more about how this transgender mandate will continue to harm vulnerable patients.