Solidarity HealthShare’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. John Oertle joined Bob Sansevere on The BS Show to discuss how the healthcare landscape is changing for the better. Read the transcript or listen to the interview below.
Bob Sansevere (00:00):
We are joined by Dr. John Oertle, the co-founder and chief medical Officer for Solidarity HealthShare at solidarityhealthshare.org. Doctor, your thoughts you sent me, we went a little email yesterday about RFK Jr. becoming Secretary of Health and Human Services, and you’re a believer in some of the stuff he talks about because you, like all of us, we’d like to see or make America healthy again.
Dr. John Oertle (00:29):
That’s right, Bob. We were very supportive of this nomination and the confirmation for him being the Secretary of Health and Human Services, but more importantly, it’s the things that he actually stands behind, things that to be able to actually making America healthy at Solidarity HealthShare. As the Chief Medical Officer, I’ve been promoting the ability to be able to have increased outcomes and reduced cost and being able to prevent disease before it begins. And so much of what he actually is discussing as far as the ability to be able to take some of these forever chemicals or these food additives that actually aren’t food at all, but they’re chemicals that have been put in to be able to in our food supplies, that these are all, when you look at some of the data, they’re very concerning for what it’s doing for our bodies. And so we’re supportive of what he’s discussed as far as being able to remove some of the getting cleaner food, more natural ingredients in the food, and being able to actually have clean water, clean air.
At the same time being able to actually lower healthcare costs for people and make sure that the actual outcomes are supreme. Even when we’re at Solidarity, we’ve supported things like personalized precision medicine and seeking alternatives to how do you actually find the root cause of the disease or looking at these environmental issues to be able to see when you have a complex chronic disease going on, how can you actually look at that when you need answers? And so we are open to those answers at Solidarity and we support our members searching and finding practitioners that are being able to provide that functional integrative approach along with all the conventional standard of care therapies that again, we’re also supportive of to be able to save life.
Bob Sansevere (02:17):
Now, a lot of what he has to say is it clouded by his critics talking about anti-vaxxer. I mean, they clung during the hearings to the things that try to make him look terrible and a bad candidate, and I’m really sick of the way now that Republicans have done it too, but when it was a Democrat being put up or something, a Democratic Democratic president’s nominee, but I’m just tired of this whole democratic playbook now. They went after him in a hard way and now everything is a constitutional crisis. They have these buzzwords they come up with, and I know some people may fall for it, but most people have figured it out or are just sick of what they’re doing. He should not have had a tough time getting through. When the president nominates someone, it shouldn’t be that hard to get them through.
Dr. John Oertle (03:09):
When you have a president that’s nominating and it’s a qualified candidate like RFK Jr, who is a qualified candidate who is not, it is questionable as far as why do senators give people such a hard time on either side and you do wonder about their conflicts of interest, which is a very big concern, especially in the big agro, big pharma, big medicine industries, that there is the concerns that you do have conflicts of interest where when you actually, your heart goes out, because I’m a doctor, I’ve been working with patients, and this is where again, when you know that there’s things that are in our environments that may not even be covered by big insurance either, but we at Solidarity are actually sharing it to these protocols because again, we’re seeing that outcomes reign supreme and that doctor patient relationship is really important. And being able to talk with your doctor about these actual protocols and what’s the best way to be able to be healthy and be able to make decisions that are in you and your children’s best health. This is what Solidarity stands for, that doctor patient relationship and making sure that you’re able to actually get the healthcare outcomes that you need, where oftentimes big insurance is not supportive of this because again, these conflicts of interest do exist in the world.
Bob Sansevere (04:29):
Now you obviously Solidarity HealthShare. Full disclosure, I’ve been a member for a number of years, great alternative to traditional healthcare health sharing, SolidarityHealthShare.org. And I’m just wondering, can he do things to drive down the cost for traditional healthcare without doing a major overhaul of Obamacare? Because that was tried in the last first administration by Trump and it didn’t get through because of John McCain, somebody from a senator from your state in Arizona. But I mean, what can he do or the type of things he can do to just make things less expensive for people?
Dr. John Oertle (05:07):
Well, one, even with say for instance Medicare, we’re also seeing the DOGE individuals looking at the fraud and the waste that are in these programs. And so I am really looking forward to seeing what, getting some transparency into these programs, looking to see where those actual costs are going. I think one that’s going to help,
But secondly, again, things that RFK can do to be able to actually be giving oversight, being able to open up access to better healthcare options, being able to look at when you’re removing some of these root causative issues that are making America, again, not as healthy as it could be. I think that overall lowers the actual cost of healthcare. You wonder if why we’re so sick. Well, if our nutrients aren’t being supported in our foods or we’re having non nutritive substances placed in our foods just to be able to have longer shelf lives or being able to have increased profitability with the actual manufacturers of these products, when you remove those things, America becomes healthier. And so that’s where you don’t want to throw out healthcare and doctors and great medicine, but you want to have good medicine and you want to be able to focus on these areas where why is America so sick?
And so this is what he’s really committed to and this is what if we’re committed to saying why, just asking good questions. Why is America as sick as it is and what’s the root cause? What’s causing this? And allowing our doctors to be able to practice and have that doctor-patient relationship to actually discuss research, do tests, and then be able to move forward. It’s a really important aspect and obviously we’re supportive of that in Solidarity to be able to really make sure that the doctor patient is able to decide for themselves and get the actual best answers to the actual healthcare that they’re looking for when they have really complex, difficult things that are going on with chronic disease.
Bob Sansevere (07:06):
And you’ve written a couple of really great articles about its American Heart Month, a comprehensive approach to heart health. Also World Cancer Day 2025. It’s earlier this month, I believe. ‘The power of prevention, precision and Solidarity.’ And what I wanted to ask you about though is because there are factors that contribute to heart health and some of ’em, heart blood pressure could contribute to your heart, heart disease, and also diabetes. And I want to focus on the diabetes part. I think I’ve talked to you about this about almost two years ago. I was diagnosed with type two diabetes and my numbers were, I was able to keep them for a long time in the pre-diabetic range, which I believe is 125, between a hundred and 125, but about, I dunno, a month or so ago, I’d stopped doing it for a while. Then I started again and I noticed my numbers were up.
And when I say up one forties, one fifties, I had one spike after relatively soon after eating like 180 and I got alarmed, but then I came across something, a product called Glucocil, G-L-U-C-O-C-I-L. It’s all natural. And I said, I’ll give it a try. It’s incredible what it’s done to my numbers. I mean, I have never had this, but since I started taking it, now, this is not every day. It’s happened twice in the last, I think I’ve been taking it last week or in January I started, but I’ve had a 96 and an 86 within the last week of where my blood sugar levels are. I mean, if you’re not familiar with it, you could do a blood test just with a little prick of your finger and then you put it into a little glucose meter. But I’ve been keeping, other than a few times after I’ve eaten where it was just slightly above, I think it’s two or three times since February 1st, above the pre-diabetic range. I’m really happy with it. And maybe you could recommend some others, but I know you took a look at the ingredients. This Glucocil is good for you, right?
Dr. John Oertle (08:54):
Yeah. When Let me know about this. I took a look at these ingredients and I had never heard of this product before, but when I look at this ingredient list, again, this is a great product for you and it’s obviously, it looks like it’s paying dividends and it’s giving you the outcomes that you’re looking for with your glucose level. But this product, it’s more you have berberine in it. Berberine is a, I’ve spoken on this before multiple times, but this is nature’s ozempic. I like to say that weight loss drug, and guess what? It doesn’t have those side effects that Ozempic has or semaglutide, but it helps that the glucose be able to be more sensitized, the insulin to be more sensitized so the glucose levels drop, but it also has things in it that’s going to help not just lower the sugars, but it also protects against the damaging effects of the actual of high glucose levels as well. So this is one of these areas where it can help protect against peripheral neuropathies or eye damage or again, the heart as well. Oftentimes that elevated glucose damages the arteries of the heart. It makes them, again, less healthy as far as the inside lining of the heart. So this is going to be able to help and support those areas as well, which I think it’s a great product for you.
Bob Sansevere (10:08):
I appreciate that. We got to get Glucocil to sponsor this segment, Dr. John Oertle. Thank you. Solidarity HealthShare solidarityhealthshare.org. Check it out, take a quick break. The BS Show’ll be right back.
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Solidarity HealthShare is a non-profit healthcare sharing ministry rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Established in 2016, we operate on the Catholic principles of solidarity and subsidiarity, in accordance with the Church’s commitment to promoting life-affirming, faith-based healthcare.
We strive to provide an ethical, community-driven alternative to traditional health insurance. Through direct Member-to-Member sharing, Members are able to access quality healthcare services while preserving their family’s financial, physical, and spiritual health, all at once. Members never need to worry about their healthcare dollars funding immoral medical procedures. We promote a holistic approach to healthcare, emphasizing the importance of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
At the heart of our ministry’s mission to restore and rebuild an authentically faith-based healthcare culture in America is the recognition that every single person has inherent human dignity. We seek to promote healthcare that honors the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
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