Solidarity Blog

From the Desk of the Chief Medical Officer: Protecting your Vision

It’s common for patients to delay vision care until they have a problem and need glasses or other care. However, keeping our eyes healthy begins long before any requirement for glasses or other corrective needs arise.

We’ve compiled  a few simple reminders of ways to protect your eyes now and prevent problems later in life:


  • Maintain a healthy diet

Age-related vision problems are often a result of a poor diet lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc and Vitamins C and E. These nutrients, when consumed in the proper amounts, prevent diseases including Type 2 diabetes, which is the leading cause of blindness in adults.


To ensure that your diet is full of vision-boosting nutrients, be sure to add the following items onto your plate when you can:

  • Leafy vegetables including spinach, kale and collards
  • Salmon, tuna and other fish
  • Protein sources including eggs, nuts and beans
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits
  • Oysters and pork


  • Reduce Screen Time

Those who work in corporate environments are all too familiar with the strain that comes with staring at a computer screen for at least eight hours a day. Overuse of bright screens can cause eyestrain, blurry vision, difficulties focusing at a distance, dry eyes and even headaches.


To protect your eyes at work, utilize the following tips:

  • Keep your glasses or contacts prescription up to date
  • See your doctor for recommendations on blue-light glasses to wear at your desk
  • Blink more frequently to prevent dry eyes or use artificial tears
  • Give your eyes a rest every 20 minutes by looking away from the screen for 20 seconds.


  • Schedule regular eye exams

Even if you don’t struggle with any eye pain or complications, it’s important to see your eye doctor regularly to catch any problems before they become worse. Glaucoma, for example, has no symptoms and can only be identified during an eye exam.

Annual comprehensive eye exams evaluate the following:

  • Tests to measure how well your eyes work together
  • Tests for eye pressure and optic nerve tests to check for glaucoma
  • Tests that determine whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or have an astigmatism or presbyopia


Members of Solidarity HealthShare can receive special discounts on vision care with their Solidarity Care Card, including eye exams at just $50 per appointment. To learn more about Solidarity’s commitment to affordable health care for your family, visit our website today!