Solidarity Blog

Life-Affirming Pro-Women’s Healthcare

At Solidarity, we’re always striving to transform the culture of death into a culture of life. In our “Next Steps” post we discussed the next era of the Pro-Life Movement. With those in mind, this era demands that our movement step up to provide even more abundant resources to women, children, and families. This will help prompt a fundamental shift in the collective mindset surrounding pregnancy and women’s health. We’re starting with bringing healthcare back to just that — truly caring for the health and well-being of the patient. That is why we focus so much on life-affirming healthcare.

Life-Denying Healthcare Has Become the Norm

There is an interesting phenomenon happening all around us. We’ve seen a paradigm shift from abortion being advertised as “safe, legal, and rare” – a last resort – in women’s healthcare to being the primary issue within women’s healthcare. However, the lack of research and education on women’s reproductive health, hormonal health, and more, is astounding. Ever since medical providers started receiving incentives to prescribe ‘the pill’ as a remedy for the symptoms that women were experiencing, research surrounding the underlying causes of these issues was no longer a priority in the medical field. After all, they had found their magic one-size-fits-all cure, it had seemed. Unfortunately, this caused a gaping hole in our understanding and treatment of women’s health for decades.

We’re Pushing Back

In the 1990’s, however, pro-life physicians noticed this gap in our understanding and sought to change the industry. Because they understood the dignity and beauty within the intricacies of the female reproductive system, they started a new wave of ethical, integrative, and life-affirming treatments that are revolutionizing the way that women’s health is approached. This new approach addresses the issue without inhibiting the woman’s fertility, reproductive health, or pregnancy. They use the symptoms being expressed, as well as a woman’s natural cycle, to aid the diagnostic process and decide on an appropriate course of treatment. The fact is, a woman’s health is integrated. Therefore, physicians must integrate her reproductive health needs into her overall health. When we deny, repress, dismiss, manipulate, or threaten a woman’s reproductive health, then we do so to her health overall.

At Solidarity, we are leading the way in reversing this paradigm shift by putting our full support behind life-affirming women’s healthcare. We are proud to work with hundreds of life-affirming Pro-Women’s Health providers across the country as our partners and Preferred Providers. This allows us to confidently provide real resources for women struggling with infertility, ovarian cysts, repetitive miscarriage, postpartum depression, hormonal abnormalities, endometriosis, and much more. Solidarity Members are able to receive comprehensive eligibility for this medically necessary care.

Our Community Supports Life-Affirming Women’s Healthcare

As a part of our mission to provide opportunities for healing the whole person, at Solidarity we share into:

  • Nutritional counseling through our Solidarity Well Program
  • Natural Family Planning (NFP) education
  • Life-affirming fertility treatments, including NaPro Technology
  • Comprehensive well-woman visits automatically shared each Membership year
  • Naturopathic and Alternative treatments
  • and much more!

This helps focus us care for the entire health of each woman in our community and be a part of the continuing education and empowerment of authentic women’s healthcare. Interested in learning more about the life-affirming, pro-women’s healthcare that Solidarity provides? Visit our Knowledge Center or reach out to our Member Care team! We’d be happy to walk with you on your path to healing.